Conspiracy of Consciousness ~ 27 Jul 2016


Where are the pictures of Jupiter from Juno? At first, a few images came in... but since then - as if this writing, not so much. When other probes reach other planets, it seems photos come flooding in to dazzle our imagination. Since I found no new Jupiter photo while writing this, here’s a picture of Saturn’s rings to inspire awe.

This does make me wonder: Where are the conspiracists? Could it be that the Juno probe was abducted by an alien space ship? Could it be it descended below the atmospheric clouds and what they found is so... so... strange and bizarre it cannot be reported? After all, Juno now encounters the solar system’s strongest magnetic field and lethal radiation belts (how do we know this?). Or is it just a matter of time for the photos to return and for computer processing to enhance the images? The more likely rational thought.

Back in the days of the Cassini probe launch, I was approached by a conspiracist at a conference. He showed me a chart for the Cassini launch and went on ad nauseam about how the probe was doomed to crash and it’s nuclear power supply would annihilate life on Earth. Since I actually had examined more than 700 horoscopes for rocket launches with categorization of failure, partially successful or successful, I shared astrological data and facts as to why the Cassini probe would do what it was expected to do, according to the launch chart. Preferring to maintain his views, he walked away.

Remember Planet X/Nibiru? The weird theoretical planet that was guaranteed to kill us in 1995, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2012? Remember the Photon Belt hoax?

What’s the difference between political fear-mongering, end of the world prophecies and kids telling scary tales around a campfire? Well, kids around a campfire are kids and the goal is to scare their compadres because it’s supposed to be fun. As for adults, or politicians claiming to save the world, or religious leaders intending to inspire fear of God, or metaphysicians alleging their consciousness can save the world... if you’re fear-mongering, you might want to take note of some upcoming transits before blasting the next conspiracy theory that intends to scare.

Come August 12th, Jupiter in Virgo opposes Chiron in Pisces. Jupiter issues the statement that any use of false or partial facts for purposes of creating fear and manipulating consciousness or fanning the fires of conspiracy theories is an intentional promulgation of falsehoods. Therefore, the misinformation is psychically injurious to fellow members of humankind and such acts shall be duly noted.

As well, Neptune is in Pisces, inspiring imagination to fly beyond the beyond - far faster than Juno’s speed in orbit around Jupiter. Something to keep in mind when passing along something to another person. There’s no telling how their imagination may assemble that information.

Words like “credible threat,” “elevated security,” “job-stealing,” “insurgent,” “infiltrate,” “extreme competition,” “stacking the deck,” “rigged” “not ready yet” all stir doubts and fuel collective insecurity. With imagination unbridled in Pisces, wild speculation inspired by careless word choices easily unsettle the psyche. Jupiter, being the one who dishes out solar system reprimands, and from his tenure in Virgo, reminds those that intentionally inspiring fears and injuring psyches with half-truths, false factoids, truthiness and out and out lies, will at some point be called to his celestial carpet to explain themselves.

Saturn soon (October 30th actually) arrives at the degree in Sagittarius where the Great Attractor weighs in: 14 Sag 14. The Great Attractor possesses the amazing skill set of accepting all points of view. The Great Attractor is strategically tolerant and intends for solar system consciousness to follow. The Great Attractor inspires truthfulness - founded facts free of rampant speculations stirred by bias, preference or the urge to convert. The Great Attractor accepts that a person may believe as they do, and while sharing information, remains free of any conversion agendas.

As All Hallow’s Eve approaches, critical to global consciousness, Saturn to the Great Attractor render insights that allow for a clear comprehension of cosmic realities.

The I-Ching cautions that the superior individual (superior = one with elevated consciousness) does not permit the mind to go beyond the present situation. Stay in context. Be aware of new information that may enhance the best of beliefs. When evolving consciousness arrives, include it.

When others approach with conversion agendas that do not suit you, stepping back and out of the auric exchange is a fair response.

When others approach hell bent on spewing gloom and doom, it’s absolutely fine to excuse yourself for a refreshing dip into clear consciousness.

When encountering those who seek to fuel conspiracies founded on thin facts, perhaps the best rebuttal,(Jupiter in Virgo), is to turn toward the soothing salve of sensibility (Chiron in Pisces). Inspire and encourage all who enter your sphere of influence to restore their personal artfulness and creativity - direct reflections of the universe (Neptune in Pisces).

Jupiter and Chiron, who shared a beneficent healing cooperation, seek to inspire all to find personal majesty. That is the healing conspiracy of the time... clarity, consciousness and creativity.